This is a true story of two young enthusiasts with a common interest in Bull Terriers. Andy Stubbs (Tyebar) and Frank Dyson (Tawnbarr) both starting off at the same time with their quality bred coloured foundation bitches, following the advice of Tom Horner in his book ‘All about the Bull Terrier’.

Many thanks to Bill Lambert for writing the Forward, the following of which is an extract:
“This book needs to be read and digested, as it contains some stark warnings, particularly about the colours of the breed. If breeders are not careful, we could reach a point where there is no going back.
Dog breeding is changing and the large kennels of yesterday seem to be consigned to the pages of history. The smaller kennels of today need to work together if they are to see the breed progress. However, the size of a kennel does not need to be a barrier to success and the section on establishing a line which tracks the success of the Emred Kennel demonstrates that, by absorbing and applying that knowledge and by remaining patient and staying true to values, the modern breeder can be every bit as successful and can exert a positive influence that affects not just one kennel but the whole breed.
This is a book for the breeder the exhibitor, the owner and the judge. Most of all it is a book for the “the Bull Terrier fancier”

THE DEFINITIVE BULL TERRIER (and “making the Miniature Bull Terrier”)
A signed, numbered, limited, Second Edition of The Definitive Bull Terrier (from Puss to Gully) expanded to include “and making the Miniature Bull Terrier”.
“Whilst the Miniature Bull Terrier Club was granted recognition by the Kennel Club in 1939, the breed has a much longer history than that. It is interesting to note that in 1872, Mr Henry Webb distinguished what we now call Miniature Bull Terriers as a separate breed from their larger cousins in the book he edited, 'Dogs: Their Points, Whims, Instincts and Peculiarities'. Of further interest was that one of the contributors to Webb’s book was the great supporter of small bull terriers, none other than S E Shirley MP."
Reserve your copy now: Price £25 UK, £30 Rest of World, post free

By Bert Coupe, NOT A BULL TERRIER BOOK. It is a social history snapshot through the 1950’s and 1960’s, from hardship and love in a Yorkshire Pit Village to hardship and not so much love in a Lancashire Mill Town. A perceptive thread of life, love, resentment, humour and just plain kind heartedness runs through Tony’s true and depictive tale of his journey from cradle to teenage years.
Bert (Tony) Coupe won the Ormandy Jug for Dogs in 1984 with his home bred Ch Faithfield Royal Sovereign.

Torn cover otherwise very good condition

Very rare Jackadandy Heritage

Rare, unsigned 1969 First Edition

Rare, unsigned 1969 First Edition (tear to corner of jacket)

Very rare "must have" history 571 pages, Signed

Very rare to find a McGuffin signed and still in its original box

First Edition 1952, complete with pedigree envelope

First Edition 1993

First Edition 1932

The 5th Bull Terrier Book, edited by Margaret Sweeten

Signed by M.R.Weeks, First Collection of Bull Terrier Tales, 1988

Signed by M.R.Weeks, Second Collection of Bull Terrier Tales, 1991

There are many copis of the book around but to find a signed one is very rare

Extremely Rare, number 59 of 500, with Certificate of Authenticity, First Australian Bull Terrier Book, published 1988

Rare copy of The Second Australian Bull Terrier Book, published 1993